Saturday, January 05, 2008

Pain is to neck whereas math is to me.

I'm not even done with half the assignment.
I just recovered from fever yesterday.
I couldn't sleep for the past 2 nights because my back was killing me and I had to flip around like some sardine every 5 minutes.
I am semi-demoralised (?) from being pwned by Japanese Taiko drummers.

Okay let's be silly and compare body temperature records! Mine's 40.9 degrees Celcius. That one happened pretty long ago, in P5 or P6. I missed school for more than a week because I had a fever immediately after surviving gastric flu. One of the guys told me, "Wow you're back I nearly forgot how you looked like." Glorious. (:

P.S. It's 3 am and I'm restless, excellent! Well I'm highlighting scores now, and figuring how to count the big bunch of troublesome random notes in the beginning of 太阳in quavers. Someone just showed me a very freaky/cool video. At 3 am.

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