Sunday, February 03, 2008


Oh my goodness.

I had a really scary dream. Nightmare, rather.

I was in some place caught in a civil war. And there were like 2 groups of people (can't remember the exact names but one of the names starts with M and the other B). It was super chaotic, with people killing each other and all. I can't remember which side I was on either ._. Then there was this nerd from the opposition running after me, and I took a baseball bat which came from nowhere and shove it in his groin. Then he went "AAAAH" and collapsed, then I kicked him and ran.

Yup, then I woke up with the 0_0 face. Weird and violent. The freaky part is, there was hardly any panic. Just... fighting. Cold and stagnant.

Which makes me realise that the term "Fight War" is pretty ironic. "Fight Violence!" -__-

Okay I'm having a really crappy conversation with an un-fragrant fruit and slappy smellysticks.

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