Friday, March 14, 2008


Recently I've been frustrated because I couldn't decide between using the words oriented and orientated.

I thought one was right and the other a mix-up.

Turns out both are the same, just that orientated is preferred by the British and oriented is used for technical terms and in the US (thanks to

Anyway our western percussion item has been approved! YQP makes history by having 2 percussion ensemble pieces and 1 concerto (sort of) for our NYCO concert! The programme order is kind of scary but most are happy I guess. Prepare for the awesome power of percussion come 18 July 2008!

Oh no there're only 3 days of holidays left and no homework is complete. Zilch. Zero. Na-ah.

HOMEWORK (holy cow)
1) Advanced Lit paper
2) LA essay
3) 3 short Chinese book reviews
4) Physics Assignments 2.2, 2.3, 3.2 and 3.3
5) Chinese essay
6) CO Jacket designs
7) RETURN MUSIC SCORES FROM LIBRARY (this is very important homework involving FINES)

I ran out of my lovely stretchy water-proof (and very expensive) plasters! That's a bad sign, because I'm losing lots of blood. Wendy is also sad because she can't borrow any more plasters )': Don't worry, there's always *cough*, to whom you already owe 3 plasters.

But I got CHARLIE BROWN plasters! They're only washproof and cost half as much for double the quantity (NOTA BENE: EXAGGERATING a little), but they have colourful comic strips all over them! How kickass is that! What a great way to protest against expensive transparent/not-really-flesh-tone plasters.

I should sleep, though I should be working. Let me waste another hour pondering which I should do, then come to the eventual conclusion that I should sleep.

I'll reply tags in my next post!

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