Friday, March 07, 2008

shoe rack labels!

Behold my obnoxiously poor colour sense!

Awesome, no?

Okay it may not seem like a whole lot of work, but this included:

1) finding and downloading a good font,

2) typing and editing on Photoshop, experimenting with the font sizes (I wasted a lot of paper reprinting some because they turned out too big),

3) buying paper, choosing colours (I think Pipa will kill me for giving them pink x: heh but the other colours looked even worse),

4) cutting out the words (this is the most troublesome part, the little spaces in the middle of the letters are excruciatingly difficult to cut out), pasting the words on, and

5) LAMINATING the labels. :D (The picture's taken before they were laminated.)

14 simple labels took me more than 6 hours. I am a slow worker, and what a painful, painful task it was.

I like the Cellobass one for some reason /: Colours are not true to this picture.

Here ends another meaningless post. I'm here to admire my revoltingly gorgeous work. Whoo.

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