Saturday, March 08, 2008


Let's mourn for the end of the holidays before it actually does. It's always good to do things early, no?

All rights reserved. Click to enlarge!

The nerdy guy's inspired by the principal from 《这一班日记》! (Yes the one you see in 大拇指.) Favourite comic of my primary school life. The comic artist teaches Chinese at my primary school, and he draws cool stuff (:

Oh a short update on OBS. Nila Utama is a GREAT watch to have. Claire, Steph, Joline, Hui Cong, Zi Ai, Stella, Amy, Yi Ping, Chin Wen, Shuting, Elizabeth, Ling Han and Tong Meng are fun people! (:

But I didn't mention that I got sent home early, did I? My cruel back decided that I shouldn't fulfil my NYAA requirements and I'll have to go for another camp. In other words I just wasted 2 days of my life away. ._.

Life is totally awesome, pwnful stuff.

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