Saturday, July 26, 2008

Worst Ad on Earth

Warning: The following may be too stupid for the weak-hearted.

Bad advertisements are a reason why I'm interested in the industry. There are so many uncreative people out there winning awards.

Firstly, here's a big fat HUH? to Swensen's. Are they trying to say that they support abusive mothers who stress-eat? "You know what, let's remind those angry mums out there that it's perfectly okay to shove ice cream into their mouths!"

Secondly, are they that desperate to get rid of ALL their customers so they can finally close down? Because of this stupid ad that wasted 16 seconds of my life (sorry for your loss too) I'm going to buy ice cream of any brand except Swensen's. Häagen-Dazs (macadamia nut yum), Wall's, Magnolia, even Nestle. (They have a range of snack-inspired ice cream like Milo, Crunch and even Smarties. The latter sounds odd, but I'm still sooo not going to Swensen's.) Heck, I'd even buy good ol' $1 ice cream (with BREAD, that biscuit-thing is yeargh and cups are for whimps) from the ice cream uncle outside Paragon and ignore Swensen's.

You know what, Swensen's Singapore? You'd make the old man Earle Swensen ashamed of you. Maybe I should be blaming the advertising agency for coming up with such a dumb series of ads. But Swensen's approved it anyway.

Conclusion: That is the worst ad any live man has seen. The number of times that the following one is better is uncountable.

Clever, and Thai.

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