Monday, September 29, 2008


I must watch this!

I really really must or I'll regret it and get moody and volatile.

Look who's the director! And the cast! (陈瑞彪hahahaha)

Don't ask me why I like theatre. Or musicals. I just do, especially local ones (Forbidden City's not really 100% local though I quite like it too)!

Anyways, I shall save up! (: Still deciding whether to go before or after a certain important event though. Something ultra significant to YQP, yes? :D (Meh, I don't mean to be a wet blanket but as of now we're screwed. 要全力以赴!)

4 out of 11 papers down. 15 October is Liberation Day!

Meanwhile I shall disappear from the blogosphere. And hopefully MOBTV too.

(Grr to join or not to join the "elite" programme"? 5 hours a week!)

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