Saturday, September 27, 2008


Today, I finally managed to catch local theatre production Boom (:

It truly is an extremely appreciable work. Bound together by a solid theme, compelling storyline and a stellar cast, Boom has portrayed a strong conceptual image of the en bloc fever. It is a display of Jean Tay's success in capturing most of (if not all) the Singaporean personality in a hearty yet subtle manner.

Perhaps some may comment that it's the type of play only Singaporeans would wholly understand, with its strong cultural references, use of dialects and all. But this is what makes it representative of our culture. I'm quite certain that if we were to watch a social commentary in a country of a different culture, we'd catch no ball.

And I must say that there were many refreshing elements to the play, especially at the very beginning (the most charming opening). Two seemingly different storylines were cleanly seamed to end as one, though I felt it was a slight pity as the all-important revelation (and climax?) came in quite late.

Nevertheless, the cast, albeit small, managed to pull it off quite impressively! Chua Enlai was hilarious and I'm quite a fan of Sebastian Tan now haha (he has a really good voice!).

Boom ends tomorrow, and if I had the money I'd catch it again (for Sebastian Tan and Chua Enlai! Heeee). Unfortunately my wallet cannot accomodate, and those putrid exams are here so... ):

Still, an eventful night spent! (:


Yay we got distinction for our percussion exams! :D Hahaha Valentia "3 musketeers"!

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