Sunday, October 26, 2008


Haha, "fathering", Cherie!

The 6I gathering-cum-birthday celebration for Ee Wen was great (: Finally got to catch up with the class, after missing the one in June. The turn-out was pretty good, and we (kind of) interacted. And I learnt how to play mahjong, though I still don't get the rules behind splitting the tiles and all .__. Well, not a skill to be used often in the future anyway.


I recently realised that I have a really odd skin colour. Not fair like Selegie tau huay (which is still one of my favourite stalls, the you tiao... mmm). Not dark like roasted chestnuts. Somewhere in the middle. Somewhat fruit-ish. Like, between longan and semi-ripe kemquat. (Whaaat?)

In a nutshell, YELLOW. (Wow, shocker.) Okay, maybe green.

I need some serious sun.

To console myself in the meantime, I can say I got a little tanner over the years. I used to be snow-white (colour, not the ugliest Disney princess). And there's quite a visible ankle sock tanline. I shall really find an empty weekend and sit in the sun all day.

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