Sunday, February 15, 2009

What ageing population?

Babies... He's makin' babies... She's makin' babies... They're havin' babies... La la la, sing a song!

Boy is 13. Girl is 15. Boy's voice has yet to break, sounds like a girl. Girl looks old enough to be boy's mother. Both are stupid. Both are now parents.

Both still live off parents.

Both do not know how much diapers cost.

Both are confident of raising kid well... (??!?)

The new young parents seem to have been raised as Elizabethans... The time of Shakespeare, when girls were mothers in their teenage years (but guys were older than the girls even then...?). Where people died at, like, 35.

Are they the R&J of the PS3 generation (which happens to coincide with the Post-MJ-paedophile era, Britney Speares' circus season and the great Amy Winehouse dynasty)?

Things like that make me feel like our government has done a really good job........ If something like that happened in Singapore the father would be serving NS when the kid enters primary school. Yum. Watch out, university education fees!

"Huh? Need money ah? Take from parents lor. Parents no money then how? Dunno leh. Uh, whatever lah."

Singaporeans are deprived of such drama beause the likeliness is hardly existent here. Sigh. Don't worry, we will move on, live life and age together as a population cursed with normal brains, ordinary lives and longevity. ):

(Of course I'm basing my opinions on the following assumptions:
1. Our Sec 3 girls don't go out with Sec 1 boys
2. Most Singaporean parents are so ngiao about spending money and complain so often about how much bleddy money they spent on raising you that you know you need lots of money to raise kids. Like, LOTS.
3. Um... At 13 we think about algebra/what CCA to join more than having kids?)


Sick and sneezing and coughing and huffing and puffing into tissue.

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