Sunday, December 27, 2009


I have refound my admiration for Hugh Laurie! Cambridge graduate, musical talent, excellent actor, cool at 50.

School starts in three weeks. How awful. I have to start math revision soon. Tomorrow I am storming out and buying myself an SAT guide. Sorry Singapura, I love you but I'm GETTING OUT OF HERE (if funds flow smooth). Sometimes you have to breathe outside the bubble.

*Begin self-indulgence*

People have been asking me why I didn't transfer schools in the end. If I say nothing, most would suppose I'm in for the prestige. Which is true, but not entirely. I'm just thinking ahead. This school will help me get out there; further. We still live by titles. It's a truth that we don't want to acknowledge because it's plain lugubrious!

Which brings me to the point of getting out of here. There is really something wrong with the Singaporean system. I'm not quite sure how many people feel this way. There is no exact thing I could put my finger on, but in a nutshell, it is all about what you have besides the degree. Because everyone has the paper. Even if I'm unsuccessful, I want to do many things. And we are still a little too passive for ambition. So maybe this isn't the right place for me yet. Perhaps time will tell.

Am I suffering from Banana Syndrome? Pishposh, I say. I am quite proud that the Utah has adopted Singapore's system of teaching math. Smarts-wise, we're fine. Sometimes we are better. All we need is a little more room to wander off-limits.

*End self-indulgence*

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