Monday, May 17, 2010


I am seriously bogged up with so much nonsense it's suffocating me.

1. Math lecture test tomorrow. 3 topics. Not planning to try anymore.
2. Two consecutive concerts. 20 days.
3. PW. Sometimes I wonder why I bother.

4. Annoyingly inefficient teachers who can't even do a simple thing like order the tickets we fully deserve EARLIER. Now the freaking show is sold out. How difficult is it, really? A few clicks on the web? Is HC so hard-up that they have to conjure some lame excuse to avoid paying for our tickets? Hmm? So MICA dropped the project and our time is less important? Seriously? So now we'll never get to watch the show? (Unless they do another re-run after another 20 years. But that is unlikely.)

On a healthier note, today brought me relieving news. And I am shocked that even more people can actually read my mind. This is absolutely terrifying (albeit in positive way).

Best of all, HCCO Japan Tour is in 23 days. Excited!

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