Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Institution

Somehow roles have reversed ever since I left NY for HC.

Back in NY, the teachers were pretty decent. Some left me wondering how they even got into the industry, but most were of substantial quality. Student leaders on the other hand were mostly slaves to the management's every whim. The "student voice" was, really, a more amiable medium for teachers to command students around.

Here in HC, the student leaders do pretty much whatever they can, and try to max out every possibility to leave some historical impact behind (or impress their seniors, if there is any difference). The teachers, ironically, are just vessels of knowledge. They teach, and they're gone. It's a professional relationship.

But oh, some are hardly professional.

I already mentioned the incident about a teacher failing to book my free tickets, possibly due to sheer slowness (9 working days?), which I deserved for attending a 4-week course. The course was essentially not as exciting or prestigious as they branded it to be. And it also happened to be an arts-related course. How encouraging!

This time, despite my sheer misfortune to get neither of my 4 choices for BOTH sabbaticals (do the permutations), they decided that my course for the second day is actually a 2-day course. So I have to either kayak for two days for a certificate I already have, or change that day's course to one that has "remaining vacancies".

In other words: "Oh, somehow there were miscommunications. So you guys have to drop your already-unpopular course for an even more unpopular course. Unless you want to do something you did for days at OBS. I mean, it could be fun!"

Grrrrr. *deep breath*

I think, instead of being grouchy, I should be glad that I really hate inefficient "role models". This only proves that those who can't, teach.

(On a side note: MY HAMSTER GAVE BIRTH TO PUPS. AGAIN. .__________.)

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